The utility room: your helpers in creating cleanliness
What to use and how to choose the right cleaning products, so as not to overpay and not to buy anything unnecessary
Copyright: Ron Lach, Pexels
Enthusiasm for order and cleanliness is only half of success. The other half depends on the products you use for cleaning. To get rid of different types of dirt quickly and in an eco-friendly way, you need an arsenal of household supplies. That's why we're going to talk about it today.
List of essentials
Today's household cleaning departments are the Frecken Bock's paradise. There are: foams, powders, gels, creams, fragrance-free, perfumed, clean-smelling, eco, bio, with a dispenser, in a spray … In this variety, it is easy to get confused and buy unnecessary things by succumbing to the influence of advertising. This can easily be avoided if you go to the department of household chemicals with a list of what you need.

Pum-pum! I already made it for you. Don't thank me.

This is accurately what you're going to need to keep your house clean:

  • Dishwashing detergent
I suggest buying a large bottle with a convenient dispenser, which can be used for a very long time, simply by pouring other products into it. Choose environmentally friendly products, which are also suitable for washing fruits and vegetables.

  • Grease Dissolver
Such products are indispensable for taking care of the stove, oven, and microwave. Many people use cross-functional cleaning gels and powders for this purpose, but this is not correct because they can contain small abrasive particles that spoil the surface of the stove. They can also create a lot of excess foam, which is very difficult to rinse out completely without a direct stream of water. If your stove has a chrome surface, read the label carefully, this type of surface requires a special product.
  • Plumbing care products
Choose those that have antibacterial and bleaching properties, as well as components that remove rust and lime scale, even if you don't see plaque now, it's better to start preventing it right away.

  • Floor cleaner
It is advisable to choose an environmentally friendly cleaner without fragrances or with a subtle fragrance. Make sure it does not contain chlorine or other aggressive ingredients, especially if you have a small child or pets in the house.

  • Carpet and rug cleaner
It is better to choose a foaming agent which easily removes stains and dirt from any shaggy coatings, often they can also be used on upholstered furniture (be sure to read the label!)

  • Glass and mirror cleaner
Choose a good product in a spray bottle. It's easier to dispense and wipe away without leaving streaks.

  • Set of sponges and rags
Sponges and rags are expendable. I wouldn't advise choosing them based on the “cheapest” price. Choose rags that are as similar in composition to natural rags as possible, for example, close in composition to cotton or bamboo fiber. There are also on sale sponges for dishes, where the abrasive part consists of sisal. I love them! It's not just because they are more environmentally friendly but also because these sponges and rags are very pleasant to use and that's important, right?

You will also need:
  • Disinfectants (to treat surfaces for germs and viruses)
  • Repairing clogged pipes
  • Special products (for cleaning parquet and lacquered surfaces)
Read labels
Let's find out what components are most often found in cleaning products and what their functions are.


They can be found in any household cleaning product. Surfactants are often sodium sulfates, which break down dirt and remove it from the surface by producing a rich foam. Surfactants are not safe, what’s not safe about them is that they dry out the skin a lot (that's why it's better to clean and wash dishes with gloves!) But there are more dangerous effects, there is a theory that they can settle on the skin and penetrate the pores inside, accumulating in the body.

If the label says, “non-ionic surfactants,” this is a good sign. Non-ionic surfactants are the safest because they are completely biodegradable, but there is a disadvantage to them as well. They foam worse and are not as profitable to use.

More precisely, alkali metal hydroxides. Alkali is frequently the main component of professional cleaning products in various concentrations. If you follow the instructions clearly and avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes, alkaline products are harmless because they are thoroughly washed away with water, leaving no residue. They are also excellent at dissolving dirt, grease, and plaque. Please remember to wear rubber gloves!

Most often these are high-purity isopropyl alcohol, aldehydes, salicylic acid, and chlorine compounds. Thanks to these additives, the product removes bacteria, fungus, and mold.

It is sometimes substituted for vegetable oils. They are usually used to reduce the harm from surfactants, namely to moisturize the skin and reduce the effect of drying out.
Copyright: Ron Lach, Pexels
Do not harm: some important tips
All household cleaning products that are sold in the store can be divided into toxic, conditionally toxic and safe. The safest products are considered to be those that are certified as “bio”. They will help you with cleaning and also keep your health.

The main point is that almost all other products work only “for results”. We all want them to be fast and inexpensive but, unfortunately, few manufacturers think about how these products affect our health in the long term. For example, I bet you've had a scratchy feeling in your throat or an uncomfortable feeling in the eyes when you use a spray with high chlorine content, right? It shouldn’t be so.

So, I have two pieces of advice for you:
  1. Give preference to natural remedies
  2. Follow the instruction
Give preferences to natural products
Pay attention to the presence of BIO and ECO certificates and read the composition (now you know how to do it) in the store. There is also another option, there are simple recipes on how to make natural and effective products yourself.

Here are a few of my favorite recipes:

  • If you mix 3 spoons of baking soda and the juice of half a lemon, you get a paste for cleaning the refrigerator or any surface in the kitchen, it is excellent for removing odors, stains, dirt, and grease. If you do not have lemon, you can use citric acid instead.

  • Toothpaste (you can take the cheapest one) cleans perfectly silver, tiles and easily removes traces of markers and pens from painted walls.

  • You can use talcum powder to remove a fresh grease stain on a carpet or fabric. To achieve this, sprinkle the stain with talcum powder, cover it with clean paper, and press it down with something heavy. The next day, you can just vacuum or shake the fabric well.

  • An all-purpose cleaner for all smooth surfaces in the house will turn out if you mix ½ cup of vinegar, 5 drops of tea tree essential oil and 5 drops of lemon essential oil. For your convenience, pour the liquid into a sprayer and don't forget to shake it well before using.

  • Dissolve lemon juice and water in the proportions of 3 tbsp. Per 400 ml, put the container in the microwave for 10 minutes on the highest power. When you open the microwave, you'll be surprised at how clean it is.
Copyright: Mareefe, Pexels
Follow the instruction
Even if you're using safe bio-based products, don't forget to read the instructions and follow them before using it. It usually takes a certain amount of product, time, and effort to get great results. My tips for using products are as follows:

  • If it says, “hold for a certain number of minutes”, don't exceed that time, it can have the opposite effect.

  • Always wear rubber gloves! Alkaline, surfactants, and chlorine are very harmful for your skin and some are not completely flushed out and continue to do damage even when you're done cleaning and sitting on a couch in front of the TV.

  • Use a product that's appropriate for the surface, If it's abrasive, that means it's not suitable for delicate surfaces and be careful with disinfectants, too much alcohol can discolor surfaces. Imagine how frustrating it would be to ruin an expensive door or wooden countertop.

  • Wipe mirrors only with quality cotton cloths or microfiber cloths. They absorb liquid quickly and don't leave streaks.

  • Make sure you dry your dish sponge after using it (leaving it in the sink is not an option). Rinse the sponge well and store it where it will dry quickly. Even if you do this, don't forget to change it every two weeks, or if you have a big family, every week. Yes, yes, this is important if you would rather not wash dishes with a bacteria-infested sponge.

As you can see, there's nothing complicated. You have everything you need to build your dream team. You'll have a lot more fun cleaning with the right products!

Your Clea.
Your personal clean-up coach
Clea N.