How Habits Change Lives
Habits are like a conductor in an orchestra. Thanks to them, most of the activities do not give us any trouble. Good habits “automate” useful things, and bad habits… you know. It gives the impression that we just follow the wave of our conductor's baton and everything happens by itself.
Simplified: it looks like habits control our brain, and our brain controls our body. So, they all work as one team. Or, to continue the musical metaphor, like a fantastic symphony orchestra!
When you first perform an action-brushing your teeth, washing your windows, doing push-ups off the floor, or playing the piano-you have to use the resource of your willpower. If you want to keep this action in your life forever, you can't skip this stage. You just have to live with it. Even though it seems excruciatingly difficult. The key at this point is to keep doing, even through “I don't want to.”
Do you know why?
Because after a certain number of repetitions, the miracle will come! You may not even notice how you will do this difficult action with the ease of a butterfly. You will no longer have to make the effort and “steal” resources from your will because you will do it automatically.